MOCOP Women’s Ministry is dedicated to leaving no “woman” left behind,“ No matter what age..” or state of life you’re in, we have a place for you. Our Women of the Word Ministry is SEALED by God and strives to:
MOCOP Women’s Ministry is dedicated to leaving NO women behind. No matter what age or state of life you’re in we have a place for you. Our Woman of Word Ministry is SEALED by God and strives to:
S-serve others, the church and the community.
S-serve others, church and community
E-empower women to live an overcoming life through Christ
A-accountability (teaching one to be responsible for their actions)
L-love of God, self, family, community and country
E-encourage women to help one another holding each other in prayer
D-devoted to spreading the gospel of Christ in accordance with our Church mission statement.
The motto is “We are Better Together!” When we connect, we are BETTER! Together we can be better in all of our endeavors.
MOCOP WOW is a ministry that truly believes that WOMEN can be HEALED from past wounds. Our ministry hosts various classes which focuses on Purpose, Destiny and Healing. Classes include: Loving the Lady in the Mirror and Transformation series topics. WOW also believes in encouraging Sisterhood in Christ by promoting trust, team building and love. Our monthly meetings afford us the opportunity to get to know each other as we participate in various activities
MOCOP WOMEN OF WORD under the direction of Pastor Gloria hosts hundreds of women at the famous “Testimonial Tea.” Pastor Gloria received a divine inspiration of the Testimonial Tea from God which she hosts bi-annually. Guest speakers share their personal testimonies. These powerful testimonies have impacted the lives of many women who have been set free and delivered. In today’s culture NOT everyone will attend a traditional church service. The Testimonial Tea is an evangelistic tool used to impact the lives of others. Pastor Gloria seeks women who are empowered to help others through their testimonies and who desire to see women from ALL backgrounds healed and set free from anything that keeps them bound. Regardless of your age, race or economic status MOCOP Testimonial Tea has something for you. Pastor Gloria and MOCOP WOW cordially invite you to discover the exquisite taste of various herbs and other teas and testimonials. Whichever flavor, whatever mood, let this tea offer you a quiet moment in the presence of the Lord. We look forward to seeing you every 1st Saturday in June and December.
Our Women’s ministry partners with Hope’s Door Domestic Violence Shelter by promoting Domestic Violence Awareness and teaching classes. In 2017 we offered a Domestic Violence class during October’s National Awareness Month. WOW brought awareness to Domestic Violence by encouraging church members and visitors to wear purple ribbons that stated “MOCOP stands Against Domestic Violence.” WOW continues to donate items to Hope’s Door Thrift Store. Sales from these donated items provide families with much needed resources to transition from the shelter to their own residence.
MOCOP Women’s ministry fundraising activities include supplying gloves and socks to local homeless shelters and providing blankets to nursing homes. WOW partners with other MOCOP ministries in providing schools supplies to children who attend our church.
We also support Breast Cancer Awareness month during the month of October by wearing Pink. YOU matter to WOW, your health is important to us, Prayer and Prevention WORKS.
Upcoming WOW fellowship Opportunities Coming Soon:
WOW Monthly Meeting 1st Monday of each month
Unmasking the Kingdom Women – Book Series taught by team WOW (May –December 2018)
Hope’s Door Donation Drive – click to see urgent needs: https://www.hopesdoorinc.org/donate-items/
Alsup Socks Drive- Warm Heart by donating socks to July – October for homeless persons (men, women and children socks welcome)
WOW Bowl July – TBA (date and location)
WOW will promotes MEN’S health for “Movember –November 2018”
HATS on for MEN’s Heath - wearing baseball hats 2nd Sunday
Keeping HIM healthy serving healthy snack alternative 3rd Sunday