How to Build a Traditional Shoebox
1. Find a Shoebox
Start with an average-size cardboard or plastic shoebox. Use Christmas paper to wrap
the cardboard shoebox. When wrapping the shoebox, cover the box and lid
separately. If preferred, you can get a colorful preprinted Operation Christmas Child
shoebox from MOCOP. There is no need to wrap the preprinted shoeboxes. For
preprinted shoeboxes, please call Elder Griggs at 972-633-5511 or see Sis. Camisha
2. Gender & Age Category
You can choose to build a shoebox for a girl or boy ages 2 - 4, 5 - 9,
or 10 - 14. You will indicate this information on your label once you
get your label.​​​​​​​​​
3. Fill Your Shoebox with Gifts
Select a medium to large "wow" item such as a soccer ball with a pump or stuffed
animal, then fill your shoebox with other toys, school supplies, and hygiene items.
You can also include a personal note and photo – sometimes these are the child's
favorite things to receive! Download and print the list of gift suggestions.​​​​​​​​
4. Get Your Label
If building a traditional shoebox, don't forget that a donation of $10 per box is critical to cover shipping
and other project costs. Please go to Samaritan Purse's label options page to activate or purchase your
If you already have a QR-coded label, click on the Adhesive Labels and follow Step 2 (Activate) and
Step 3 (Adhere). If you need to tape your label on your shoebox, do not cover the barcode with tape
or damage it in any way as this can affect scanning.
If you do not have a label, click on Printable Labels and follow Step1 (Purchase), Step 2 (Print), and
Step 3 (Place). Tape your label on your shoebox. Do not cover the barcode with tape or damage it in
any way as this can affect scanning.
5. Pray
Pray for the children who will receive your gift-filled shoeboxes.
Pray for their families to be receptive to the Gospel message.
Pray for volunteers who lead outreach and follow-up discipleship classes for the
Pray over your shoeboxes.
6. Shoebox Drop-off Location Dates/Time
MOCOP Center
3255 Independence Parkway, Plano, TX 75075
November 3, 10 & 17 between 9:30 am and 11:30 am